What-Am-I Riddles
Only one color, but not one in size
Stuck at the bottom but easly files
Present in sun but not in rain
Doing no harm and feeling no pain
What am I?
A shadow2
You messure my life in hours and I serve you by expiring
I’m quick when Im thin and slow when I’m fat
The wind is my enemy
What am I?
A candle3
Turn me on my side and I am everything
Cut me in half and I am nothing
What am I?
The infinity symbol4
It can’t be seen, can’t be felt
Can’t be heard, can’t be smelt
It lies behind stars and under hills
And empty holes it fills
What is it?
First, I threw away the outside
Then, cooked the inside
Then I ate the outside and threw away the inside
What am I?
My bretheren and I do start small
But shoulder to shoulder we soon stand tall
Great labrynths we form
Jagged rows of unbrushed teeth…you like to warm
Yep that rhymes
I am Corn
What am I?
Walk on the living, they don’t even mumble
Walk on the dead, they mutter and grumble
What are they?
I have cities, but no houses
I have mountains, but no trees
I have water, but no fish
What am I?
A map10
The man who created it doesn’t want it for himself
The man who buys it doesn’t buy it for himself
The man who needs it doesn’t know it
What is it?
A coffin11
White bird, featherless
Flying out of paradise
Flying over sea and land
Dying in my hand
What is it?
A snowflake12
My thunder comes before my lightning
My lightning comes before the clouds
My rain dries all the land it touches
What am I?
A volcano13
I possess a halo of water
And walls of stone
And a tongue of wood
Long have stood
What am I?
A castle14
I occur twice in eternity And I’m always within sight
What am I?
The letter "T"15
I run but never walk
I murmur but never talk
I have a bed but never sleep
And a mouth but never eat
What am I?
A river16
Sometimes I rhyme, but words I do not require
With me you waste your time, but my conclusion you desire
The fool will not be satisfied
but the contented will be open-eyed
What am I?
A riddle17
Out of mind but not out of sight
I anger you by day and scare you by night
I cry when I’m tired, the baby you never adore
I am the boy who cried wolf who you do not ignore
What am I?
A smoke detector18
I have four wings but cannot fly
I never laugh and never cry
On the same spot I’m always found
Toiling away with little sound
What am I?
A windmillCeiling fan would be acceptable.
I am deaf, dumb, and blind
But I always tells the truth
What am I?