Huffman Compression

Data compression is a process of modifying the representation of some information so that it can be stored using less data. Storing and transmitting data is expensive in large quantities, making an optimal compression (one which minimizes storage size) extremely valuable. In this post we will learn how to quantify data information-theoretically1, and how to get an optimal compression with optimal speed.

The ratio of concepts and definitions to prose is pretty high in this post, but I try to ameliorate that with examples and alternate descriptions. Assuming a bit of familiarity with binary and ASCII, nothing here should be too dificult to understand. It’s okay to skim over some of the equations, there won’t be a test at the end.

Entropy: Quantifying Information

Let Ω\Omega be some set, and P={pi,iΩ}P = \{p_i,\, i\in \Omega\} be the probability distribution over Ω\Omega, i.e. the frequency with which each element of Ω\Omega occurs. The entropy of Ω\Omega is a measure of how structured (non-uniform) PP is. So for example, the uniform distribution (where piΩ,pi=1Ω\forall p_i \in \Omega,\, p_i = \frac{1}{|\Omega|}) is the least structured, and the lowest entropy. Conversely, the distribution where pi0=1,pi=0ii0p_{i_0} = 1,\, p_i = 0 \, \forall i \neq i_0, is the most structured, and has the most entropy.

More intuitively, entropy can be thought of as a measure of how uncertain you are about a random choice from Ω\Omega, using PP. With a set of minimal entropy (one with a uniform distribution), you can do no better than a random guess. But on a set where one element has a probability 11 of occurring, and the rest have probability 00, you can be certain that the next element to occur will be that one with probability 11.

Formally, the entropy of PP is given by H(P)=iΩpilog(pi)H(P) = - \sum\limits_{i \in \Omega} p_i \cdot \log(p_i).

Fact: 0H(P)log(Ω)=H(Puniform)0 \leq H(P) \leq \log(|\Omega|) = H(P_{uniform}).

Applying Entropy

Remarkably, a choice from Ω\Omega contains HH bits of information per element.

Take Ω={A,B,...,Z}\Omega = \{A, B, ..., Z\}. log(Ω)=log(26)=4.17\log(|\Omega|) = \log(26) = 4.17. Then naively we can represent the alphabet using 5 bits. Perhaps A=00000,B=00001,...,Z=11001A = 00000, B = 00001, ..., Z = 11001. Now we can imagine using this coding on a text file we wrote (of only these 26 characters). The size of this file (ignoring metadata and whatever) is 5 bits per character ×\times the number of characters.

Already you might see that this is suboptimal. With 5 bits, you can represent as many as 32 characters (25=322^5 = 32), so we could add 6 more chacters to our alphabet without using any extra data per character. This is an improvement, but still we’re restricting ourselves. What if we used a variable number of bits per character?


A coding CC of Ω\Omega is a unique mapping between the elements of Ω\Omega and a set of binary strings. The mapping A=00000,B=00001,...,Z=11001A = 00000, B = 00001, ..., Z = 11001 from before is an example of a coding.

A prefix code is a coding where no coded character is a prefix of another character. For example, a coding with A=01,B=010A = 01, B = 010 is not a prefix code, because C(B)C(B) begins with C(A)C(A). If we aren’t using fixed-length codings, it’s important to use a prefix code so there isn’t ambiguity about where one character ends and another begins.

Whether a coding will be good or bad at compression depends on its expected length. The expected length LL of a code is the sum of the probabilities pp of each character occurring, multiplied by the length \ell of that character’s code. That is, L(C)=xΩp(x)(x)L(C) = \sum\limits_{x \in \Omega}p(x) \cdot \ell(x). Practically, this means that on average we expect a message nn characters long (using this coding) to take up n×L(C)n \times L(C) bits.

Of course, the goal of compression is to use a coding of minimal expected length. It is essential to this project that language is not uniform (recall, greater entropy means greater compressability!). In English for example, AA doesn’t appear with the same frequency as ZZ. AA makes up about 8%8\% of all letters we write, but ZZ makes up a mere 0.07%0.07\%2. Intuitively, we want our code to reserve the shortest bit strings for the most common letters, like AA and EE, and assign the longer codings to the rare characters, like ZZ and QQ. To reiterate, the higher the entropy in a set of characters, the more compressible it is.

There is a theorem that states that there exists an optimal prefix code CC, such that the expected length of CC is equal to or only a tiny bit larger than the entropy of the corresponding probability distribution. That is, H(P)L(C)<H(P)+ϵH(P) \leq L(C) < H(P) + \epsilon.

Huffman Coding

In the 50’s, MIT PhD student David Huffman had to write a paper proving some coding was optimal. He couldn’t figure it out, but extraordinarily, he thought up his own algorithm3 and proved that coding was optimal. Huffman’s professor Robert Fano had previously devised a coding algorithm with4 Claude Shannon himself, so when his student showed him a better algorithm, Fano supposedly5 canceled class for the rest of the term. In essence, this is the Huffman Coding:

  1. Start with the system Ω=x1,x2,...,xn\Omega = x_1, x_2,..., x_n, and p=p = the probability function.

  2. Take xi,xjx_i, x_j of lowest probability in Ω\Omega.

  3. Remove xix_i and xjx_j from Ω\Omega, and add to Ω\Omega a new character χ\chi, where p(χ)=p(xi)+p(xj)p(\chi) = p(x_i) + p(x_j).

  4. Repeat (1) and (2) until only 1 element remains in Ω\Omega.

  5. Build a binary tree for which all the leaves are the original members of Ω\Omega, and two nodes share a parent if they were replaced by that parent in step (2).

Visualization of the Huffman Coding algorithm

Huffman’s simple O(nlog(n))O(n\log(n)) algorithm finds an optimal symbol-by-symbol coding. There are alternate methods of coding which perform better under certain circumstances, but even where suboptimal, Huffman is quite good.


  1. Claude Shannon is the father of Information Theory, and an absolute legend. He wrote the book A Mathematical Theory of Communication, which a professor of mine once described as “one of the most important books in science in the last century”.

  2. This statistic is from the Wikipedia page on Letter Frequency.

  3. David Huffman, A Method for the Construction of Minimum-Redundancy Codes (1952).

  4. Fano and Shannon didn’t actually collaborate, rather they independently developed similar algorithms at almost the exact same time. Today these are clumped together as the Shannon-Fano Coding.

  5. I’ve only heard this part from one source.

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